AC meeting, Lab training and Teacher Training at TU/e, Netherlands

21/04/2023 10:57 — 1492
In the frame of the Erasmus+ capacity building in the higher education project "Developing Energy Efficient and Smart Lighting Education in Vietnam and Myanmar" (DESL), the periodic project AC meeting, lab training, and teacher training were held on March,27-29, 2023, at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Netherlands. TDMU team, led by the Rector Dr. Nguyen Quoc Cuong, participated in the event.

At the AC meeting, the project coordinator Prof. Pramod Bhusal summarized the project progress and discussed the project’s activities and future planning. Many meaningful activities were also conducted, such as attending a lecture on Smart Lighting in the bachelor course Physics of light and lighting, a lecture on Circular lighting design in the master course Capita selecta lighting technology and visiting the BPS laboratory. Additionally, all participants also visited the Lighting Application Centre (Signify) in Eindhoven.
The event closed on March 29 with a great result. 

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